INSTAGRAM Clarity 101

Find Your Focus and Love Your Feed Again

Fallen out of love with your Instagram squares but want to make it work for your nutrition business? You’re not alone. Instagram isn’t just about likes or follows—it’s about making real connections. But let’s be honest, it can get pretty overwhelming with all the noise out there.

Let’s Clear Things Up in 90 Minutes

Join me for a no-nonsense, 90-minute session where we’ll dive into your Instagram woes and work through them together. I’ve spent years navigating the ups and downs of Instagram for various businesses, and I’m here to share all that hands-on know-how with you.

This session is designed to address the specific challenges you face on Instagram, from overcoming comparison to managing posting fatigue. Instead of just adding to the noise (because, let’s face it, there’s a lot of that), we’ll focus on understanding how to make Instagram work effectively for YOU. You'll receive personalised insights and actionable advice.

  • It all starts with fingers to the keyboard—a questionnaire you'll complete to help me guide our session together.

    The info you share with me will help me to meet you exactly where you’re at in our 90-minute personalised session together.

    We’ll discuss where you are, go through some foundations, identify your priorities, and create practical action plans for your specific challenges. You’ll have space to talk freely and honestly, and there will be no ‘must’ or ‘should’ from me.

    After the session, you'll receive personalised summary notes and suggested action points.

  • £250

    Paid in full at the time of booking.

  • It is ideal for you if:

    • You're experienced on Instagram but feel overwhelmed by its demands and the pressure to keep up with trends.

    • You struggle with the emotional aspects of social media, such as comparison and time management, and seek a healthier, more structured approach.

    • You want to refine your strategy to better target your ideal client rather than feeling surrounded by the messaging of your peers and competitors.

    • You're looking for actionable insights that respect your time and energy and not the same old advice like 'do more of this' and 'don't do that', allowing you to focus more on what you truly love about your work.

    • You appreciate guidance from someone experienced in your field who has taken the time to truly understand you and your business goals to help you feel more confident and less isolated in your social media efforts.

  • This session is probably not for:

    • Complete Instagram beginners or those unfamiliar with basic platform functionalities.

    • Those seeking only technical skills or basic content creation without deeper and personalised advice.

    • Individuals who are not ready to explore or change their emotional relationship with social media.

    • Professionals looking for quick fixes or immediate dramatic changes without the willingness to invest time and some commitment into their social media activity.

    • Professionals outside the wellness industry, as this session is specifically designed to address the unique challenges and opportunities within this sector.

    • Those looking for a hands-off social media management service. This is not that. Please get in touch with my sister company for social media management.

“OMG! Your ideas, tips and notes are absolutely fantastic!! Thank you so much for such a thorough and amazing analysis and follow up!

Feel like I have a game plan now!”


“Sam’s support has been invaluable in helping me to understand that ‘less is more’ when it comes to topics covered, which frees up so much brain space. Having her independent birds eye view, and understanding of HOW people use Instagram, was just what I needed to gain the clarity on how to move forward.”


“Sam gave me loads of nuggets of info that I could take on board over time. Since our Clarity Call, I have increased my following organically by 10%, finally hitting 3k, and I have a newfound love of Instagram again. I am working on content I enjoy filming whilst delivering my message to my followers and clients in a way that feels right and natural for me.”


Let’s cut through the clutter and bring back some confidence and control.

Sign up for Instagram Clarity 101, and let’s get you feeling good about your feed once more.