Nicola Moore Nutrition

Nutritionist & Cognitive Reframing Specialist

She was always there, gently moving me forward and intuitively supporting where it was needed.

When I first met with Sam I had completely fallen out of love with creating content, I felt overwhelmed juggling everything in my business. I thought I just needed some help with social media, but the truth was I didn’t really understand what I needed until I met and spoke with Sam. When we met for the first time, she was so engaged with my business and brought so much understanding and genuine interest that my eyes were instantly opened, and I began to think bigger.

I quickly realized Sam brought far more to the table than I originally envisioned. As a dynamic, assuring presence with sharp strategic vision, she operated as a true co-pilot and champion for my biggest dreams. Our partnership went beyond just completing tactical tasks, as Sam helped formulate robust long-term plans while also masterfully executing key deliverables like:

+ Designing and building my new website in a style that was true to my personal brand.

+ Designing and bringing to life the sales page for Liberate, my signature programme.

+ Creating a family of well-thought-out logos for my whole suite of courses, colour palette and visual assets.

+ Developing over 20 downloadable course resources, from workbooks to checklists and diagrams.

+ Crafting a 12-month newsletter schedule based on seasonal themes interlinked with my core offerings.

+ Planning website blogs and creating a digital press kit.

+ Social media planning, creating content and moderating my Facebook groups.

I felt so supported and cared for, and it’s more than that, it’s the actual ‘getting stuff done’, she didn’t rest on her laurels. She took action, she was meticulous, it was like a massive weight off my shoulders.

There’s nothing like getting through a busy work day and feeling that supportive lift, knowing that Sam was there behind the scenes helping with all the business activities and moving things along.

I’d wanted to create my own online course for years but felt completely blocked from actual production. Over the years, I had invested in tech, and I was worried that investing in support wasn’t wise if I could just “figure it out myself.” But working with Sam showed the opposite was true - her energy injections were invaluable, and achieving my biggest visions required partnership. We met weekly not just to collaborate on projects but to troubleshoot challenges, brainstorm new offerings, and maintain alignment on the overall growth vision.

Sam gave me permission and space to do things my way, generously handling all the technical aspects I felt stuck on. With such positive accountability, she inspired my best work. I would never have produced what I did without her. She was always there, gently moving me forward and intuitively supporting me where it was needed.

The outcome was an online program, unique to me and my clients and the actualization of my vision. Before working with Sam, my course was little more than a concept rattling around. But with her input, it became real. I finally had something solid to proudly present to those needing my offerings most. I couldn’t be prouder of Liberate and all its beautiful resources.

Beyond producing excellent work, Sam brought momentum that reignited my stalled creativity. After long days with clients, connecting with her about business initiatives gave me energy and a renewed sense of possibility. I couldn’t be happier with her comprehensive support and can’t wait to see what 2024 brings as we continue to work together!